Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Pandavas - Mahabharata Comic English

Story of Karna - the unknown Pandava - Mahabharata comic
Karna: The unknown Pandava. His name refers to his congenital earrings when he was born. Karna is the son of Kunti and Surya, the god of the Sun. He was born when many years ago before Kunti's marriage to Pandu and the subsequent birth of the Pandavas.

Story of Bhima - the Pandavas - Mahabharata comic english
Bhimasena: The second Pandava brother. His name means "of terrible might". He is the son of Kunti and Vayu, the god of air and wind, who is known for his might. Bhima has the physical strength and prowess equal to 10,000 powerful bull elephants and very athletic..... ;)

Arjuna - The battle for Khandav Forest & a monkey´s challenge COMIC
Mahabarat / Vedic time´s...
Pandava Story... Animation high quality !!!
Arjuna was born into the royal family of Hastinapura. He was acknowledged as a son of Pandu by his first wife Kunti, though he was fathered by the grace of the god Indra, rather than by Pandu who was cursed that he would die if he tried to father children. Arjuna was the third son, after Yudhishthira and Bhima. Younger to him were the twin sons born of Pandu's second wife Madri, Nakula and Sahadeva.

The Legend of Devi Durga (English) | Full Movie | Devotional Animation Film

The Legend Of Devi Durga is a wonderful devotional animated movie in Hindi. The movie is dedicated to Goddess Durga and celebrates her victory over the mighty demon Mahishasur. Mahishasur the buffalo headed demon named gets a boon which makes him invincible. He chooses to be an unbearable tyrant. When his tyranny crosses all bounds, the anger of all the mighty Gods leads to the formation of the warrior Goddess Durga. How will Durga defeat this demon? The movie is also about Lord Rama's campaign in Lanka.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

搞怪中文名 : 改名忌偏僻

MK仔學生妹 : 叫佢英文名


【壹週刊】搞怪中文名》大學教授 : 改名忌偏僻 Band 1中學教師:有啲衰到改埋「字」

【壹週刊】搞怪中文名》入商界怕俾人呃 陳淑蘭改名道然想tough啲

Monday, July 4, 2016

Visor Cap 跑步防晒帽


轻软可折叠 不占空间 时尚潮流 舒适 多色可选
¥ 29

迪卡侬KALENJI Visor Cap成人跑步防晒帽/遮阳帽/户外帽
一款时尚且流行的空顶帽 7.5厘米帽檐,这款运动帽可以在晴朗天气时戴,防止因阳光照射而睁不开眼。适用于 跑步 骑行 网球 羽毛球 橄榄球等, 也可平时穿戴,时尚美观。
¥29??  快递 ¥10

16春夏季新款 澳洲 2XU Run Visor 快干空顶跑步帽 无顶帽 空
男女皆可佩戴,背部可调节大小,内测有吸汗带设计 太阳是无情的,任何运动员都知道于阳光下训练或比赛时必须保护头部。2XU再次选购最优质的材料以制造这款防晒帽,效果出人意表。 轻尼龙梭织面料 网状透气层 弹性吸汗带
¥90 快递 ¥5