Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Mystery of Bruce Lee's Death

The Mystery of Bruce Lee's Death
By: Jake Seal

Bruce Lee's death
At 19:30 hrs that evening Bruce complained of having a headache. Betty gave him one of her own pain killers (Equagesic), that she had been prescribed from her doctor. Bruce went to lie down for a while on her bed. 
Most probably was Bruce hyper sensitive to the ingredients Equagesic, Doloxene and Dilantin that are found in the pain killers. He used the medicine Doloxene after he had back injury during his training in 1970.

Bruce Lee's Death
Later Lee complained of a headache, and Ting gave him an analgesic (painkiller), Equagesic, which contained both aspirin and the muscle relaxant meprobamate. Around 7:30 pm, he went to lie down for a nap. When Lee did not turn up for dinner, Chow came to the apartment but could not wake Lee up. A doctor was summoned, who spent ten minutes attempting to revive him before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Lee was dead by the time he reached the hospital.

Friday, June 6, 2014

檳城榴槤任食團 東瀛遊 貓山王 青皮 坤寶 葫蘆

星島日報 – 2014年6月6日


EGL Tours東瀛遊繼早前聯同馬來西亞旅遊促進局在香港舉辦任食「榴」動主題車派對,還為榴槤迷度身訂造四日三夜的檳城豪華榴槤任食團。



  (Travel Smart)