Showing posts with label Whitney Houston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitney Houston. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

惠妮休斯頓 Whitney Houston 48歲猝死 I will always love you 絕響

I will always love you 絕響
2012年 02月13日
Apple Taiwan

Whitney Houston 1963~2012
【李世珍、陳泓銘、李志展╱綜合報導】美國一代天后美聲成絕響!以金曲《我會永遠愛你》(I Will Always Love You)享譽全球的惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston),昨台北時間上午7時55分, 在洛杉磯比佛利希爾頓飯店猝逝,得年48歲。惠妮被發現時陳屍浴缸,不排除溺斃。


惠妮的隨行人員於昨上午7時20分進房接她赴會場時,發現她在浴缸內昏迷,立刻求助飯店救護人員並報案。救護人員施行心肺復甦術近20分鐘,於7時55分宣告不治,初步排除他殺。惠妮的遺體被送往洛杉磯郡立太平間驗屍,死因可望於今、明釐清,但因房內發現處方箋藥物,加上她有酒癮與毒癮,若涉及酒精中毒或嗑藥過量致死,須等數周後毒物檢測報告出爐。葛萊美頒獎典禮今如期舉行,將增加追思單元,由演歌雙棲女星珍妮佛哈德遜(Jennifer Hudson)演唱惠妮多首代表作追悼。


惠妮出身音樂世家,1985年推出首張同名專輯,至2009年止共出7張專輯、1張精選及3張電影原聲帶,總銷量逾1.7億張,共11首冠軍單曲。1992年和凱文科斯納(Kevin Costner)合演《終極保鑣》(The Bodyguard),全球票房達123億元台幣,主題曲《我會永遠愛你》更家喻戶曉。惠妮1992年錯嫁毒蟲歌手巴比布朗(Bobby Brown),屢遭家暴,跟著沉迷吸毒、酗酒,事業崩盤,3度進出勒戒所,2007年離婚。 


台灣外國藝人演唱會推手余光1997年邀惠妮來台開唱,他說:「她來台期間很開心,巴比布朗臨時衝上台與她合唱,歌迷很high。這麼偉大的藝人,生命如此短暫很可惜,但她活得燦爛,夠粉絲懷念了。」惠妮的死訊震驚全球,「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)在推特留言:「惠妮為這世界帶來最美好聲音。」加拿大偶像小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)說:「一個最棒的聲音消失了。」台灣天后張惠妹不捨地說:「太可惜!」翻唱《我會永遠愛你》揚名國際的小胖(林育羣)悲傷痛哭說:「她讓我喜歡唱歌,朝歌手目標前進。」

雲妮侯斯頓 Whitney Houston 一代樂壇天后 倒斃洛杉磯比華利山希爾頓酒店浴缸 終年48歲

一代樂壇天后 倒斃酒店浴缸 「I will always love you」 別矣雲妮侯斯頓

【明報專訊】一代流行樂天后雲妮侯斯頓(Whitney Houston)周六在洛杉磯比華利山希爾頓酒店4樓客房暴斃,終年48歲,死因待查,消息指現場未見毒品,但發現處方藥物。雲妮憑着強而有力的聲線,在1980、90年代紅遍全球,惜後來因濫藥吸毒毁了一把天籟歌喉,星途大起大跌與殞沒,跟終年50歲的流行樂天王米高積遜,雷同處甚多。


TMZ稱,雲妮死前數小時分別與母親和表姊Dionne Warwick通過電話。母女的通話距出事更只有30分鐘。兩人俱指雲妮當時並無異樣。她們皆為噩耗哀傷欲絕。美國本港時間今晨舉行一年一度的樂壇盛事格林美頒獎禮,美國黑人民權領袖夏普頓(Al. Sharpton)牧師說﹕「世界當為悼念這位擁有才華洋溢的女歌手默哀祈禱。」

消息人士說,雲妮出事前一晚,還在下榻的酒店「應酬頻繁」,曾到酒吧與朋友喧鬧暢飲,惹人側目。她周四曾出席一項與格林美頒獎禮派對有關的表演綵排,報道指她當時渾身大汗、衣衫不整,一口煙味酒味。當天曾聽雲妮獻唱的歌手Kelly Price直言,雲妮歌聲雖然柔美,但已沒有頂峰時的震撼力。

墮落星途 浮現米高影子
雲妮是流行樂和騷靈樂歌手,經典金曲包括翻唱女歌手Dolly Parton所創作的《I will Always Love You》、《Greatest Love of All》等。她曾先後三度來港演唱,其中1999年的一次,更是李澤楷邀請她來港作私人舞會的演出嘉賓。她亦曾參與影視演出,與奇雲高士拿合作拍過電影《護花傾情》(The Bodyguard)等。Dolly Parton昨發表聲明悼念這名後輩,說﹕「我會永遠感激她給我的歌曲所作出的絕妙演繹。讓我由衷說句﹕雲妮,我會永遠愛你(Whitney, I will always love you)。」


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston Dead News

Whitney Houston autopsy completed
Published February 12, 2012 

The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office said Sunday afternoon that an autopsy on pop icon Whitney Houston's body has been completed, but official results have been placed on hold, pending toxicology tests.

Los Angeles Deputy Coroner Ed Winter said at a press conference that the tests could take six to eight weeks to process.

Winter added that the Beverly Hills Police Department had requested a "security hold" on the results of the coroner's investigation, meaning no further details will be made available until the inquiry is complete.
He confirmed earlier comments made by police that "no foul play is suspected."

He also confirmed that Houston was found Saturday afternoon in a bath tub in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

Prescription drugs had been found in the Beverly Hills Hilton hotel room where Houston's lifeless body was discovered Saturday afternoon just hours before a huge Grammy party she was to attend.
Police discovered a half dozen bottles of medication in Houston's room, TMZ reported, adding that family members said Houston had been taking the prescription drug Xanax, which is often used to treat anxiety. 
When combined with alcohol, Xanax can cause drowsiness. Houston was reportedly found in her bathtub -- TMZ says her head was underwater -- and could not be revived by paramedics after being removed from the tub. 
No alcohol was found in the preliminary sweep of Houston's room, TMZ reports, but there were multiple reports that Houston had been drinking with friends the night before at the hotel. 

Houston had also attended rehearsals for the Grammys on Thursday, coaching singers Brandy and Monica, according to a person who was at the event but was not authorized to speak publicly about it. The person said Houston looked disheveled, was sweating profusely and liquor and cigarettes could be smelled on her breath.
She was also observed behaving "erratically" earlier in the week at a Los Angeles club, according to multiple reports.

Houston's body was removed from the hotel early Sunday morning, hours after the Grammy awards party she was there to attend had taken place four floors below her room. 
Houston was 48.

Once pop music's undisputed queen, her voice and image had been ravaged by decades of drug use, erratic behavior and a tumultuous marriage to singer Bobby Brown.
Houston's death on the eve of the Grammy Awards sent shock waves through the music industry, with many stars expressing shock and sadness.

Brown reportedly broke down backstage before a show with his band New Edition in Southhaven, a few miles south of Memphis. 
Brown skipped the first song of the concert, but appeared onstage for the second. He shouted, "I love you, Whitney. The hardest thing for me to do is to come on this stage." He then blew a kiss to the sky with visibly teary eyes.

Aretha Franklin, her godmother, said in a short statement: "I just can't talk about it now. It's so stunning and unbelievable. I couldn't believe what I was reading coming across the TV screen."

Houston's death will likely put a damper on Sunday's Grammy awards, music's biggest night of the year. Jennifer Hudson and Chaka Khan will perform a tribute to Houston at the awards, according to reports.
Grammy executive producer Ken Erhlich said event organizers believed Hudson -- an Academy Award-winning actress and Grammy Award-winning artist -- could perform a "respectful musical tribute" to Houston, the Los Angeles Times reported.

"It's too fresh in everyone's memory to do more at this time, but we would be remiss if we didn't recognize Whitney's remarkable contribution to music fans in general, and, in particular, her close ties with the Grammy telecast and her Grammy wins and nominations over the years," Ehrlich told the newspaper.
At her peak, Houston was the golden girl of the music industry. From the middle 1980s to the late 1990s, she was one of the world's best-selling artists. She wowed audiences with effortless, powerful, and peerless vocals that were rooted in the black church but made palatable to the masses with a pop sheen.
Her success carried her beyond music to movies, where she starred in hits like "The Bodyguard" and "Waiting to Exhale."

She had the perfect voice, and the perfect image: a gorgeous singer who had sex appeal but was never overtly sexual, who maintained perfect poise.
"Six-time Grammy winner Whitney Houston was one of the world's greatest pop singers of all time who leaves behind a robust musical soundtrack spanning the past three decades," Neil Portnow, President/CEO of The Recording Academy said in a statement.

"Her powerful voice graced many memorable and award-winning songs. A light has been dimmed in our music community today, and we extend our deepest condolences to her family, friends, fans and all who have been touched by her beautiful voice," he said.
Houston influenced a generation of younger singers, from Christina Aguilera to Mariah Carey, who, when she debuted, sounded so much like Houston that many thought it was Houston.

But by the end of her career, Houston became a stunning cautionary tale of the toll of drug use. Her album sales plummeted and the hits stopped coming; her once-serene image was shattered by a wild demeanor and bizarre public appearances. She confessed to abusing cocaine, marijuana and pills, and her once pristine voice became raspy and hoarse, unable to hit the high notes as she had during her prime.
"The biggest devil is me. I'm either my best friend or my worst enemy," Houston told ABC's Diane Sawyer in an infamous 2002 interview with then-husband Brown by her side.

Houston staged what seemed to be a successful comeback with the 2009 album "I Look To You." The album debuted on the top of the charts, and would eventually go platinum.
Things soon fell apart. A concert to promote the album on "Good Morning America" went awry as Houston's voice sounded ragged and off-key. She blamed an interview with Winfrey for straining her voice.
A world tour launched overseas, however, only confirmed suspicions that Houston had lost her treasured gift, as she failed to hit notes and left many fans unimpressed; some walked out.
Canceled concert dates raised speculation that she may have been abusing drugs, but she denied those claims and said she was in great shape, blaming illness for cancellations.
The Associated Press and Newscore contributed to this report.