Thursday, February 25, 2016

聖經誤譯誤信舉一反三 --- 周兆祥

周兆祥 愛丁堡大學語言學博士




“The U.S. President’s brother is gay.”









I saw him carring a pack of white powder.

I saw him carrying a pack of heroine.



出路 —- EXIT

商業電台 —- Commercial Radio

大減價:5折 —- Sale: 50% off




“to baptize”,不同的教會各自採用自己的譯法、「領洗」、「受洗」、「受浸」,從中演譯出不同的禮儀傳統,個個都認為自己的做法最正確。

聖經翻譯在「忠於原文」方面幾乎比任何一種翻譯工作都要複雜,主要是因為原文(originals)及源文(source texts)特別複雜:





1. 「我是道路真理生命」

“Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
“耶穌對他說:“我就是道路、真理、生命,如果不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。” (約翰福音 14:6)

照「正常」、普遍英語用法:“I am the way”使用了“the”這個definite article,意思是只此一家,其餘都是假的、不會達到目的地的。中文「我是道路」卻完全沒有這個意思,如果有人說「耶穌是道路、毛澤東也是道路、 Hello Kitty也是道路」,邏輯上並無矛盾,而英文表達則不會容許。







不過,更重要的還是:恐怕整句話的意思根本並非是這樣,因為那個“I am”(「我是」)所指的,其實不是耶穌。

原來所謂「我是」(“I am”) ,是希伯來傳統裡耶和華自稱的說法”I Am that I Am (希伯來文: אהיה אשר אהיהý)” ,族人用此詞尊稱他們的主(見出埃及記 3:14)。因此這裡的「我」不是指耶穌這個人,而是指耶和華。若要忠於原文,中文大概是「只有上主是有生命的道路、有生命的真理」—-這樣跟「耶穌是道路真理生命」風馬牛不相及嘛。

2. 納匝勒的耶穌

新約中提到那十多次”Jesus of Nazareth” ,中文一般習慣譯成”納匝勒來的耶穌”,當然「沒錯」,可是後世的教會偏偏有意無意略去最關鍵的意思,長期誤導大眾,搞出完全違反耶穌本意的教會(以至明白事理的人會說:基督宗教其實與耶穌無關,正如佛教與釋迦牟尼無關)。

原來按照當時文化的傳統,提到耶穌之時沒有稱呼他的性,反而提到他的背景──Jesus of Nazareth,箇中顯然饒有玄機,絕對不容忽視。


當有人講:「廟街的芳姐」,大家的理解就不止於廟街這個地理指謂(位於九龍油麻地那條街)+ 一位名為阿芳的女子;說耶穌是「納匝勒的耶穌」(新約提到十多次)並非是「深水埗的周兆祥」(阿祥在九龍深水埗荔枝角出生)那麼簡單,雖然納匝勒這個當年的被人瞧不起的小鎮是耶穌少年時生活的地方,不過更重要的是,這個地方原來是一個靈修團體的基地。


艾賽尼派(英文:Essenes;通用希臘語:Εσσηνοι),亦稱艾塞尼教派,自西元前2世紀至1世紀流行於巴勒斯坦的猶太其中一個苦俢派別,是小型修道院團體。希臘文為「虔誠者」之意。過隱世苦修生活。1947年在死海沿岸一些洞穴中發現的一批古代文獻《死海古卷》(Dead Sea Scrolls)推測即為艾賽尼派所寫成、複製和收集的。




· 在僻村荒野小社區聚居、與世隔絕。

· 會員恪守摩西律法,在耶路撒冷不採寺廟膜拜,嚴守安息日。

· 長期做靜坐祈禱讀經。

· 共產主義

· 獨身主義。

· 穿白衣。

· 過極端簡樸的生活。

· 自耕自足集體勞動。

· 吃全素,飲食極端清淡、簡單。

· 不斷做斷食。


3. ” 信” 、” 望” 、” 愛”

中文聖經一般將所謂”faith” 的概念譯為” 信” ,實在差之毫厘,謬以千里—- 大致上,” 信” 是理性的決定,有根有據才接受的,例如你信不信正常的成年人有60萬條頭髮人?你信不信北京是中國的首都?

如果是這樣,耶穌要求的,當然沒有什麼了不起。阿祥此刻在40樓對你講「拖著我隻手同我一齊跳落去」,你想也不想就照做—- 那才是 “faith” 的本意:毫無理由地接受,而且付諸行動,即是不折不扣的”盲從”。

同樣道理,耶穌要求追隨者具備的”hope” 不只是” 望”( 理性的希望) ,例如希望股市會走出谷底,希望生育一索得男,而是坐開往落馬洲的東鐵,真心真意期望自己這班車會駛去羅湖然後送你安抵北京南站—- 那才是 “hope” 的本意毫無理由地寄於厚望,即是不折不扣的” 妄想”。

至於”Chairty” 譯成“愛”,簡直是離天萬丈,因為”love” 的概念,傳統希臘文化細分為好幾方面,”charity” 所指的,與男女之情、親情等無關,而是指對陌生人或不相干的對像的關懷、不忍,例如自己全家無錢開飯,收到政府派錢兩夫婦共得$12,000,開心全數捐去動物團體拯救流浪狗—- 那才是 “Charity” ,中文最接近的概念大概是” 布施” 。

總之,耶穌期許追隨者的情操,比一般教會講的” 信” 、” 望” 、” 愛” 境界與難度高出不少。

4. 五餅二魚



主在創世紀1:29中所指出的:「神說,看哪!我將遍地上一切結種子的 菜蔬和一切樹上結有核的果子,全賜給你們作食物。」

在緊接著的詩節中,神進一步指出,這種食物是好的,而有肉的飲食,僅是滿足他們的貪慾。這解釋得已相 當清楚,但是我們還要全方位地研究一下《聖經》的內容。以色列的子民們吃夠了神所賜的食物,於是,神特意為他們擺下了鵪鶉宴的例子,是從《聖經》中節選下來的最典型的一個。而且,在民數記的11: 31、32詩節中,對鵪鶉和接下來的鵪鶉宴作了描述。在11;33詩節中,則突出說明了該章的中心內容:「肉在他們牙齒之間,尚未嚼爛。耶和華的怒氣就向他們發作,用最重的災難擊殺了他們。」他不喜歡他們吃肉。

聖經很多地方似乎贊成食肉一事,這些應當提一提。我們不該食用挪亞在特殊情況下(洪水泛亂, 所有的蔬菜都被沖走)使用的權宜食譜,而應當食用一種更為有價值,最初就有的食物,也就是主在創世紀1:29中所指出的:「神說,看哪!我將遍地上一切結種子的 菜蔬和一切樹上結有核的果子,全賜給你們作食物。」

在緊接著的詩節中,神進一步指出,這種食物是好的,而有肉的飲食,僅是滿足他們的貪慾。這解釋得已相當清楚,但是我們還要全方位地研究一下《聖經》的內容。以色列的子民們吃夠了神所賜的食物,於是,神特意為他們擺下了鵪鶉宴的例子,是從《聖經》中節選下 來的最典型的一個。而且,在民數記的11: 31、32詩節中,對鵪鶉和接下來的鵪鶉宴作了描述。在11;33詩節中,則突出說明了該章的中心內容:「肉在他們牙齒之間,尚未嚼爛。耶和華的怒氣就向 他們發作,用最重的災難擊殺了他們。」他不喜歡他們吃肉。









受人敬仰的聖經學者Rev·V·A Holmes—Gore研究了在新約四福音書中使用頻率較多的「肉」一詞。他把肉一詞的意思追溯到希臘文原文。他的這一發現首次發表在1947年出版的《秋天的世界方場》一書中,他指出在四福音書中19個譯成「肉」的詞應當準確譯為這樣:

希臘文 談到次數 意思









「魚」是聖經中另一個經常被誤譯的單詞,它是早期的基督徒用來互相證明身份的標誌。魚一詞是一個神秘的標誌和交談中的暗號,它源於魚這個詞的希臘形式 “ichthus”,因此,它代表的是一個離合詩句,由“Iesous Christos Theou Vios Soter”這句希臘語的開頭幾個字母組成。而這句希臘語的意思是“耶穌.基督,神之子,救世之主”。經常出現的魚一詞只是代表耶穌的符號,跟吃魚一事一點兒關係都沒有。




「他們正喜得不敢信,並且希奇,耶穌就說:『你們這裡有什麼吃的沒有?』他們便給他一片燒魚和一塊蜜房,他接了它過來,在他們面前吃了。」(路加福音 24:41-43)注意單詞「它是單數。給耶穌的是燒魚和蜜房,他只接受了其中的一樣。從以賽亞書7:15來看,我們可想而知他接受的是哪個了。




那麼耶穌講道後用五餅二魚吃飽了群眾,又如何解釋?原來希臘語中魚藻(fish weed,一種乾的海藻) 被誤翻成魚是其中原因。



Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Water Filters Countertop Undersink Reverse Osmosis Green Buying Guide

Water filters: green buying guide 
Adapted from the 2/2012 Consumer Reports magazine.

A flood of new filters--everything from simple carafes to permanently mounted systems--can make removing impurities from your drinking water almost as easy as turning on the tap. Some models that connect to the plumbing are now easier to install. And more filters now feature electronic indicators that signal when it's time for replacement.

More than just water that tastes good might be at stake. Dangerous contaminants such as lead, chloroform, arsenic, nitrate, nitrite, radon, and E. coli bacteria are common in tap water. 

Bottled water, often advertised as a "pure" and "natural" alternative to tap water, is generally safe. But it's actually less regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) than municipal water supplies. Bottled-water makers aren't required to disclose where their water comes from, how it was treated, or what contaminants it might contain. Disclosure is purely voluntary (except in California). And the bottled stuff is subject to a less stringent safety standard than tap water. 

In fact, purified tap water is the source of 49 percent of bottled water produced in the U.S., according to industry data. Many consumers could cut out the middleman (and produce far less plastic waste) by investing in a water filter and reusable water bottle to tote when they're on the go. Fortunately, Consumer Reports tests on dozens of the latest water filters found quite a few models suitable for removing many such contaminants. Watch video: Getting the Right Water Filter. 

First find out what's in your water

One way to find out what type of filter you need is to check your Consumer Confidence Report, or CCR. The EPA requires utilities to provide a CCR to their customers every year. You may also find the CCR printed in your newspaper or posted on your local government website.

Consumer Reports reviewed CCRs from the 13 largest U.S. cities and found that few claimed to have no federal water-quality violations. Though none of the other water systems were consistently unhealthful, all had some samples containing significant quantities of contaminants. In New York City, for example, some samples had lead levels several times the federal limit.

Note that a CCR might indicate safe levels of a contaminant when your water actually has experienced potentially harmful spikes. Also, a CCR tells you about the water in your municipality, but not necessarily about what's coming out of your particular tap. Only testing your home supply can do that.

Even if the water coming out of the treatment plant is clean, contaminants could get into water after it leaves the facility. That’s because millions of miles of distribution pipe are nearing their end of life. And household plumbing remains a main cause of lead contamination in homes built before 1986. 

Homeowners with a well on their property face even greater uncertainty, because such water isn't surveyed or reported on in CCRs.

To find the names of state-certified testing labs, call the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791), or go to the EPA hotline that is online. Or you can contact your local health authority, which might offer low-cost or free test kits, or check out Ultimately, you might find that you don't need a water filter.

It's important to know what contaminants are in your water that so you can match the filter to the problem. Claims about contaminant removal vary from product to product, so read the fine print. 

Also, consider how much water you consume vs. how much effort and disruption to your daily routine you're willing to tolerate. Generally, the more contaminants you need to remove, the more complicated the filter, though there are trade-offs.

Green recommendations

If you get one of the top-rated water filters recommended by Consumer Reports, you can get odor-free, clearer, better-tasting water, with fewer dangerous contaminants. Fortunately, there are a lot of good choices.

Not surprisingly, more water-filter manufacturers are touting their products' power to remove impurities, not just improve taste and appearance. In recent tests, Consumer Reports spiked water with lead and chloroform (a surrogate for organic compounds like atrazine and benzene, and for bad taste) to test five different types of filters: carafe, faucet-mounted, countertop, undersink, and reverse-osmosis models. 

Many filters did the job, but some removed less of each contaminant than promised, and even the best can be overwhelmed by sudden surges in contaminants. Undersink and reverse-osmosis models outperformed faucet mounts and carafes, but required professional installation and can be quite expensive. 

Be sure to consider the total cost when choosing a filter. Some have very expensive cartridge refills.

Also note: Many refrigerators now have water dispensers with built-in filtration. Though they're fine at improving taste, in past tests some systems were so-so at removing impurities. Plus replacement cartridges are costly. By installing a recommended undersink filter to the refrigerator's water supply line, you can bypass the appliance's filter and you may get cleaner, more economical results. 


Among the carafes tested, the top-rated Lotus Tersano LWT-100 at $229 and the Best Buy Clear20 CWS100A at $15 both removed lead and chloroform effectively without sacrificing cartridge life or flow rate. 

Two ZeroWater models were also recommended although they scored lower and their chloroform removal scores were not available. They are: ZeroWater ZD-013 (8-cup) at $35 and the ZP- 010 (10-cup) at $38.

Remember that you must replace the filters on carafe models, which is an added cost. If you’re thinking of a carafe type filter, you should know that manufacturers of carafes don’t have to disclose whether their products contain Bisphenol A, which some studies have linked to reproductive abnormalities and a heightened risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. 

All the carafes in our tests are BPA-free, according to their manufacturers. But manufacturers should be required to list the type of plastic used in their carafes and should not use polycarbonate, which leaches BPA.

Faucet-mounted filters

The Culligan FM-15A at $15 and the Brita Base On Tap OPFF-100 at $19 both were judged Best Buys, but their flow rates were only fair, meaning it took longer for the water to flow through the filter. 

The Culligan FM-25 at $20 and the Pur FM 3700B at $30 also did a good job and were recommended. 

Countertop filters

The Shaklee BestWater MTS2000 #82300 at $260 was a Best Buy among countertop models, and the Amway eSpring 10-0188 also was high-rated, but it is priced at about $600. It treats the water with ultra-violet light technology.

Undersink filters

Four models were recommended among this type. They are: Multi-Pure MP750SB at $400 rated highest in the group; the Aqua-Pure by Cuno AP-DWS1000 at $565; the Ecowater EPS 1000 at $390; and the American Plumber WLCS-1000 at $251, which was judged only fair on flow rate.

Reverse osmosis

Three models were judged Best Buys among this type. They are: the Whirlpool WHER25 (Lowe’s) at $146; the Kenmore Elite 38556 at $255; and the similar Kenmore 38156 at $153. The Kenmore’s both were judged only fair on flow rate, however.

Other recommended models in this group were more expensive. They are: the Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station at $1800, which, unlike most other filters, removes fluoride; the Coway P-07QL at $640; the Ecowater ERO-375 at $675; and the Culligan Aqua-Cleer at $1,000. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016



自己是個榴槤痴,當香港人還未愛上榴槤,馬來品種所知者甚稀的年代,已經每年兩次(十一月及六月初至七月底)飛到大馬大嚼,那是馬來西亞榴槤大造旺季,六月底至七月初尤其厲害,都會城市滿街滿巷,鄉鎮Kampong榴槤處處,頗有上世紀五十年代巨星林鳳演繹(幕後另有代唱),流行一時名曲《榴槤飄香 1959 》的境界。

林鳳 - 榴槤飄香(字幕版) 文千歲李寶瑩榴槤飄香視頻 林鳳 ~ 榴槤香了郎未歸 榴槤飄香 - 胡美儀 方伊琪 鍾舒祺 Cecilia Fong & Sukie Chung 榴槤飄香 森森、斑斑 - 榴槤飄香 (金曲滿天星)

首版發行:1974年 星加坡 群星唱片 STLP-2107

更不用說榴槤之鄉檳城、太平、彭享等等城鎮的街頭,榴槤山上零售即吃點處處,果園數量以千百計,從五馬幣三個鄉村榴槤(港幣十五元)至優質兼產量極少的黑刺Or Chee六十馬幣一公斤,以豐滿圓大兩公斤一個為例,即一百二十馬幣一個(大約港幣二百五十元)已是當地極品,相比港人熟悉的貓山王,四十馬幣一公斤(空運到港 好幾百元一個)兼出品頗多,吃過美妙的Datin、龍蝦、紅蝦、Champion等等,還有取名奇妙的成龍、林鳳嬌、林青霞,山王忽而變得普通!


六個人三天半內從至便宜的 Kampong(馬來語:鄉村)到號稱最霸道的百年老樹黑刺(Or Chee六十馬幣一公斤),吃了數量總共超過四十個。更見識了千奇百怪的名字,除上述的林青霞、林鳳嬌、成龍、龍蝦、紅蝦等等之外,還分紅肉、橙肉、黃肉、灰肉、白肉,甜的、先甘後甜的、甘苦與共的


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Shared Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Shared Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

It is important to choose a proper web hosting plan while planning to start a website. You can host your content on the website through various types of hosting like shared, VPS, dedicated and cloud. 

Shared hosting is like living in an apartment where you share a common space with your neighbors. You cannot customize anything but you share maintenance cost and responsibility with your neighbors. Shared hosting is very cheap and the most commonly used method of hosting, and is used for customers who have chosen trial or low-cost hosting packages.

You can opt for a Shared hosting if you fall in any of the following categories:

Having limited low budget.
Expecting a low initial rate of visitors say 200 per day.
Limited number of email accounts is enough.
Planning to host and maintain only small number of web sites.

Advantages of Shared Hosting

It a good option if you have a limited number of blogs and smaller websites as it is easy to maintain.
It has an economical advantage.
Technical maintenance of the server is not required, therefore you do not need a special skill set to handle your website.
You can demand for extra storage space.
All kinds of software, including virtualized software can be installed.

Disadvantages of Shared hosting

Limited number of resources.
Your website performance may be affected by other websites hosted on the shared server.
You might have to face long term problems with scalability and backup.
There is a possibility to face security issues for sharing a common server.
You might have to configure firewall settings for certain applications.
You will have a limited customer support only.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting is like living in a simplex or half-plex where you can customize everything to your own tastes. However, you still need to maintain your own area. Companies that deal with resource heavy applications and secured data most often use VPS.

Technically, VPS servers are actually still “shared” environments (in as much as there will still be more than one user running on the same physical machine) but the technology used to assign resources and keep users separate is much more sophisticated.

Allocating resources per-user makes for a much more stable and predictable environment. 

Expansion of your business beyond shared hosting level.
Expectation for a significant increase in traffic over the next few months.
Plans to work with confidential secured data in your business.
Intention to increase headcount which in turn requires a greater email capacity.
Plan to host multiple sites, blogs or different applications very soon.

Advantages of VPS Hosting

You will have a huge space and bandwidth which enables you to do what you like.
You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time.
You can configure anything you wish on the server as you own it.
Run your own batch files to create multiple services inside the server using shell access.
You can avail an extensive and dedicated 24/7 Customer Support which will help you have better security levels.
You can have easy scalability and backup in this method.
User partitioning enables you to custom firewall configurations.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

You need a dedicated system administrator to take care of your server.
It is usually costly so you should be careful with cheap offers.
You must be particular with certain applications as they might have issues running in a virtualized environment.

Shared hosting and VPS hosting have a lot of differences as listed below:

Resources: Shared hosting will have access to a limited number of resources only while the VPS hosting allows private disk spaces, having greater resource availability.
Security: Shared hosting is comparatively less secure than VPS hosting.
Platform: Shared hosting provides a basic level of file system and compartmentalization.

You can move from Shared hosting to VPS hosting in any of the following cases:

You want to be more serious in your business web hosting. Your website is consuming all your processors.
Your website is gobbling your CPU and RAM resources.
You feel the need for complete control.
You need more email accounts or hosting more websites.
You are looking for better performance and stability.
You feel that you are ready to rise above the rest.
You want to expand the existing performance level.
You want to customize the appearance and settings.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

World-record holder Wang Junxia's testimony emerges 21 years later, says coach forced his team to dope up regularly

Athletes’ anguish over state-sponsored doping regime revealed in secret letters

World-record holder Wang Junxia's testimony emerges 21 years later, says coach forced his team to dope up regularly

World beating Chinese athlete Wang Junxia admits to doping

Medalists forced to take drugs

Two of Ma's runners test positive
China's decision to appoint Ma Junren as its deputy head coach for the world championships appeared even more ill-conceived than it did originally when it was announced yesterday that two of the female runners he trains have failed drugs tests.
Liquing Song and Lili Yin are among three Chinese athletes who have been banned for two years by the International Amateur Athletic Federation after testing positive for the banned body-building drug testosterone more than a year ago. Yunfeng Lui, a male race walker, has also been suspended.

Monday, February 1, 2016

誠品書店 台北敦化南路

全球最酷書店誠品敦南 為何24小時不打烊




家樂福 market 便利購


market便利購 景安店   景安站
地  址:235新北市中和區景平路353號B1

便利購 板橋府中店
地  址:220新北市板橋區府中路126號1樓(近林家花園)

便利購 永和永安店
地  址:234新北市永和區中和路499-1號

特易購率先實施大潤發   家樂福評估跟進

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

小北百貨 台北市地址 營業時間:24小時

小北百貨  營業時間:24小時
新北市三重區仁愛街694.696號  捷運徐匯中學站

新北市三重區重陽路四段27號   捷運三重國小站


新北市永和區竹林路21號     頂溪站

新北市新莊區思源里中正路36號1樓   捷運先嗇宮站




台北市大同區寧夏路11號   中山捷運站

台北市萬華區康定路338號1樓  捷運龍山寺站

台北市內湖區民權東路六段262-274號1樓    捷運葫洲站

