Thursday, June 7, 2012






















Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Education Bureau EDB criticized over minority group failures

EDB criticized over minority group failures
By Andrea Deng (HK Edition)
China Daily

A 12-year-old Indian prodigy and his mother criticized the Education Bureau (EDB) on Tuesday for failing to provide any assistance to the boy, seeking placement in a gifted development study program or school.

The boy and his mother contended he was left out of school for more than two years.

Arjun Singh, who was born in Hong Kong, had had difficulty commencing with Grade 1 at a local Chinese school.

He said he was constantly being ordered by teachers to stand outside the classroom, as punishment for asking too many questions.

His later primary school studies were suspended when he was in Grade 5, while attending an international school.

He was told that the school could not upgrade him, and that he should instead go to a gifted school.

Scoring 128 in intelligence quotient, Singh did not find it easy to enrol in secondary schools either. 

He approached the Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School and took a form-three examination as recommended by the EDB, only to be told that he could not just jump to Form 3, without showing the results he scored.

But within three months after that, Singh took the IGCSE, or International General Certificate of Secondary Education, and got almost straight A's, demonstrating his capability to be educated at the university level.

Nevertheless, Singh has been out of school since January 2009 when he was only 10. In between, his mother asked for help from the EDB, but the EDB never found a school that offered gifted programs in English.

"For so many years, they (the EDB) never cared that there could be gifted children in the minority groups who have special needs to be satisfied," said Anita Singh, the boy's mother.

The EDB actually did offer choices for Singh, but those were either ordinary ethnic minority schools, or local schools demanding a capability with Chinese, which Singh could not meet.

"They don't understand our needs. Even when we told them that the school was not appropriate for me, they were still insisting on that school," Singh said.

The family was shocked to learn there was a list of schools offering gifted development programs for primary or secondary students, including some English-as-a-medium-of-instruction schools, which the EDB has never broached.

However, Singh is pursuing a university program at present, and preparing for A-Level examinations and the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and will apply to some Ivy League universities in the US, and the University of Hong Kong.

Fermi Wong Wai-fan, executive director of the Hong Kong Unison, who has been assisting Singh, said that once an EDB officer told her that he did not believe that Singh was a gifted child, and that "only his mother thought so".

Wong criticized the EDB for its "lack of care and concern", and its "insensitive attitude that harms the children of ethnic minority".

"They (minority groups) have lesser accessibility of information because they don't speak Cantonese, and so all they can do is to trust the EDB," Wong said.

The EDB said it is offering services and resources to the schools that educate gifted children, and provides suggestions to individual gifted students.

Language issues plague outstanding ethnic minority students

Language issues plague outstanding minority students
By Andrea Deng (HK Edition)
China Daily

Hong Kong's aspirations to become recognized as a focal point for top quality education may be impeded by the absence of effective measures regarding gifted students of ethnic minorities.

In 2010, the number of ethnic students enrolled in university degree programs in Hong Kong was zero, despite the fact that there were many bright and even gifted students from ethnic minorities.

The major issue is that many of these high-calibre students are unable to gain sufficient mastery over the Chinese language

Thus, they are unable to advance scholastically.
Arjun Singh, the 12-year-old Indian prodigy, with an IQ of 129, who scored almost straight A's in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, would not have been out of school for more than two years, if the Education Bureau (EDB) had referred him to one of the city's English schools that offer gifted programs.

"All I needed from the EDB was just the information on what kind of gifted schools are out there, and a recommendation letter from the EDB. I can take the assessment tests myself. The EDB could be more flexible," said Singh.

Fermi Wong Wai-fun, executive director of Hong Kong Unison, who has been assisting Singh, said she was once told by an EDB officer that Singh's case "is a very new case for the bureau - because Arjun is a member of an ethnic minority."

"We don't have the experience to handle the case," Wong quoted the officer.

The Indian boy is indeed a special case. Although there have been criticisms of the facilities for gifted students, local students can more or less obtain "enrichment classes" to pursue deeper levels of math or science, either at their own school or the courses provided by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. But nearly all are taught in Chinese.

James Lung Wai-man, an activist for minority children, said that there is no gifted program or facilities in the city's 20-odd ethnic minority schools. Meanwhile, only very few minority children attend local schools that supply enrichment classes.

At the crux of the issue, Lung noted, is the EDB's pedagogical fallacy that "if they (minority children) do not learn Chinese, they are seriously in trouble", because most universities require students to have Chinese capability through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System.

Most minority children fail to learn Chinese well. Their overall scholastic performance is overshadowed by bad grades in Chinese, no matter how well they do in other subjects.

Lung gave an example of a 9-year-old Nepalese boy who loves to write English essays. The boy used to send some of his writing to Chief Executive Donald Tsang and Chief Secretary for Administration Stephen Lam, when Lam was secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs.

But when the boy's father asked the class teacher to help advance the boy in his pursuits, the father was told that the boy should improve his Chinese because he'd been doing poorly in that subject.

"It's ridiculous that a child who is good at English writing is required to be good at Chinese," Lung said.

In Singh's case, he exhibits outstanding caliber in math and has a strong affection for physics, and it does not make much sense to require the boy to be capable of reading Chinese, not to mention that he is fully capable of handling English.

The result of that fallacy is that many minority children being buried by the inability to reading Chinese, Lung said.
"Ironically, there are Indian students who don't speak Chinese as well, but can be enrolled in Hong Kong's universities," Lung said.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

中國留學生林俊被肢解案 疑兇柏林落網

淘點充值券7月中作廢 網民怕麻煩擬棄淘寶

淘點充值券7月中作廢 網民怕麻煩擬棄淘寶









Monday, May 28, 2012











明報 – 2012年5月27日星期日




地球之友發言人指:「本港的超市集團財雄勢大,每月肯花兩千多萬元賣廣告宣傳 ,但對於十元八塊的『賣剩』食物,卻怕影響生意而不讓拾荒者取用,予人『超市霸權』的惡霸印象。」


地球之友稱,相較於外國超市履行企業責任的經驗,香港的超市集團相當落後。以英國的食物銀行Fareshare為例,它每獲贈一噸食物,捐助的食物公司會同時捐出16英鎊作為行政費用。有此一著,是因為對比於運往堆填區的50英鎊廢物處理成本 ,付出16英鎊予食物銀行更為划算。












Sunday, May 27, 2012

Volkswagen’s Levitating or Floating Car, Hover Car - No wheels required

Review: Volkswagen’s floating car — No wheels required
By Kyle Busch
May 15, 2012 in Auto

This article reports on Volkswagen’s levitating or floating car. It has no wheels and uses an electromagnetic grid in the road and it will indeed change driving from the way we know it.

Some are more so and some less, however, most people are fans of technology. And one automotive innovation that has been talked about for some time is the ‘car’ that levitates or floats off of the ground.


Volkswagen gathers ideas from the people of China to help innovate future cars. We took one girl's idea for a hover car and made it into reality.

The People's Car Project


Volkswagen's Levitating Car
While we sit patiently and wait for this automotive fantasy to come true, watch a brave duo hover around the city in the first (computer animated) test drive of the Volkswagen concept.

The Volkswagen Hover Concept Car is a pod-like zero-emissions vehicle that uses electromagnetic road networks to float above the road.


Mercedes-Benz recently showed off its F-Cell Hydrogen Roadster Concept. The F-Cell is a modern two-seat roadster with large buggy like wheels. Volkswagen is also venturing into the future too but the automaker has gone one step further and eliminated the wheels altogether. And how did the Volkswagen floating car come about?

Getting to know what Chinese drivers want is a top priority for automakers as such a huge market of future drivers equates to major vehicle sales and profits. Consequently, Volkswagen came up with the People’s Car Project to inquire of China’s citizens about what they want in their future cars.

And out of 119,000 car concept responses, who submitted the idea for the Hover Car? It was a young girl from Chengdu city who was studying animation and gaming design. Volkswagen used the girl’s idea to develop the floating car.

The two seat Hover Car levitates by way of an electromagnetic grid in the road. The car has clear round doors. Furthermore, its smart key combines aspects of a ‘regular key’ with a small LED screen that provides information on the vehicle’s fuel use as well as the driver’s driving habits.

Regarding the car, Simon Loasby, head of design at Volkswagen Group China said, “The trend is towards safe cars that can easily navigate overcrowded roads and have a personal, emotional and exciting design.”

The automaker believes that the People’s Car Project has been successful enough that it will extend the project and consider bringing it to other countries.

Volkswagen released a video of the Hover Car in action and the viewing reportedly went viral. It is said that after watching the video, one cannot help thinking how similar the car looks to the ‘cars’ seen in the 60s Jetsons cartoon shows.

Soon we might be saying: Let’s not take that old hydrogen buggy but take the Hover Car. Yes Jane (Jane was George Jetson’s wife)!

Friday, May 25, 2012

加拿大灰狗巴士食人魔 華裔移民李偉光 認死者是外星人

加巴士食人魔 認死者是外星人
法新社 – 2012年5月23日星期三

(法新社渥太華22日電) 加拿大華裔移民李偉光4 年前搭乘灰狗巴士時,當著1群驚恐乘客的面將鄰座乘 客斬首並啖其血肉,今天他首度公開發表談話,表示他 當時認為受害者是外星人。 

43歲的李偉光在2008年7月30日謀殺22歲加拿大籍 公民麥克林(Tim McLean),因為被診斷罹患精神分裂 症獲判無罪。

他之後進入曼尼托巴湖區(Manitoba)溫尼伯( Winnipeg)1間精神療養院接受治療,現在已獲准在監 護下進入社區活動。 在接受加拿大精神分裂協會負責人薩默維爾( Chris Summerville)訪問時,李偉光說自2004年開始 聽到他所謂「神的聲音」。 

根據加拿大媒體刊登的逐字稿,李偉光說:「那個 聲音說我是聖經的第3個故事,是耶穌第2次降臨,我是 為了保護大家免受外星人攻擊。」李偉光聲稱,他不知 道自己當時患有精神分裂症。 

李偉光當時多次揮刀猛刺鄰座正在睡覺的麥克林, 將他斬首,開腸剖肚,還把他的鼻子、舌頭和1隻耳朵 塞入自己口袋,並拿割下的頭顱嘲弄警方和圍觀民眾。 

當局後來發現屍塊散布巴士上,有些裝在白色塑膠 袋裡。根據法庭文件的病理學家說法,麥克林的雙眼和 1/3心臟從未尋獲,據信被李偉光吃下,但他否認。 車上另外35名乘客和司機聽到「令人血液凝結的尖 叫」,隨後逃下車並將車門堵住,警方在3小時僵持後 將李偉光制服。


加國食人案 華裔兇手剖白行兇動機

【本報綜合報道】加拿大華裔移民李偉光(Vince Li)○八年在一輛灰狗巴士上斬殺鄰座乘客及食其肉,震驚全球。他近日受訪時首次剖白行兇動機,聲稱當時聽到「上帝的聲音」,要他殺掉旁邊的「外星人」,以拯救人類。




糧食短缺 殺人賣肉 食人充饑 北韓朝鮮槍決食人犯人肉販子

糧荒餓極 殺人食肉 朝鮮槍決食人饑民
2012年 5月21日 




  這些人食人慘案,絶非個別事件。去年韓國“Caleb Mission”援助組織,就取得朝鮮警方一些檔案,當中也包含人食人案件,是首次有官方檔案證實食人慘劇。據報犯人是住在一座廢棄工廠宿舍的警衛,他餓極起殺意,等住在同一宿舍的一名男子入睡後,用斧頭將他殺死,吃掉他部分肉後,把吃不完的,當作羊肉,在市場售賣,終被揭發,遭到逮捕。









  ■ 長年糧食短缺,不少朝鮮兒童餓得皮包骨,營養不良。
  ■ 朝鮮士兵近年處決了至少3名食人犯。

食人魔現北韓 上演中共文革人吃人慘劇




報導稱,去年,南韓「Caleb Mission」援助組織曾獲得北韓警方一些官方檔案,當中包含人吃人事件。據報犯人是住在一座廢棄工廠宿舍的警衛,他餓極起殺意,在宿舍將一名正在熟睡的男子用斧頭砍死,吃掉部份肉後,把吃不完的,當作羊肉,在市場售賣,終被揭發,遭到逮捕。

據一名變節北韓人則稱,在 2006年曾親眼目擊德城(Doksong)一對父子因為吃人肉,而被行刑隊當眾槍斃。而在2009年的一宗,惠山(Hyesan)一名男子因殺死和吃掉一名少女,判處死刑。


中共文革內鬥 食人魔挖心煮肝陰森恐怖

吃人事件在中共廣西整黨辦公室內部機密文件《廣西文革大事記1968 年》中有詳細記載。資料顯示,1967年,廣西各群眾組織大聯合後成為兩大派,即造反派和保皇派(其中包括聯指),兩派一直打得不可開交,相互殘殺。

據官方統計數據,從1968 年6 月15 日至8月底止,該縣造反大軍及其觀點的幹部群眾,有75 人的心肝和肌肉先後被野蠻者吃掉,被打死打傷523人。但據民間的統計,武宣縣有超過200 多人被野蠻吃掉。吃人的有男,有女,有老,有少,有工人農民,有國家幹部和所謂的中共黨員。


資料稱,被打成「叛徒」的蒼吾縣副縣長黃家憑,因同情「造反大軍」,於7 月1 日晚被學校革籌副主任謝東主持批鬥殺死,翌晨凶手黃佩農、張繼鋒等挖他的肝,剝他的肉,只剩下一副骨骼,接著一批人在學校宿舍區簷下用瓦片烘烤人肉人肝,火煙繚繞,腥風焦味飄蕩,一片陰森狀令人不寒而慄。

商業電台 – 2012年5月18日星期五


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Canada cannibal says he believed victim was an alien

Canada cannibal says he believed victim was an alien
A Chinese immigrant who beheaded and cannibalised a Canadian bus passenger in front of horrified travelers four years ago spoke out for the first time Tuesday, saying he believed his victim was an alien.
23 May 2012

Vince Weiguang Li, 43, repeatedly stabbed Tim McLean on a Canadian Greyhound bus as the 22-year-old slept in the seat next to him, before cutting off his head, removing his internal organs, pocketing his nose, tongue and an ear, and taunting police and bystanders with the severed head.


The paranoid schizophrenic was not to be criminally responsible for the 2008 murder and is now eligible for day trips out of the mental health facility where he has been treated.

In an interview with Chris Summerville, head of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, Li spoke for the first time saying that he began hearing "the voice of God" in 2004.

"The voice told me that I was the third story of the Bible, that I was like the second coming of Jesus (and that) I was to save people from a space alien attack," he said, according to a transcript published by Canadian media.

Li said he had purchased the knife used in the attack for protection "from the aliens" and claimed that he was unaware at that time that he suffered from schizophrenia.

"I was really scared. I remember cutting off his head. I believed he was an alien. The voices told me to kill him, that he would kill me or others. I do not believe this now," Li said.
Police said in court documents Li "appeared to smell, and then eat parts of Tim McLean's flesh" and "lick blood from his hands" as they surrounded the bus on a desolate highway 55 miles west of Winnipeg, in western Canada, soon after the attack.

Authorities found body parts littered throughout the bus, some in white plastic bags. McLean's eyes and a third of his heart were also missing, and it is presumed Li ate them, said a pathologist in court files, though Li denied this.

The other 35 passengers and the driver were jolted by "blood-curdling screams" and fled, said witnesses, bracing the door after their escape to trap Li inside the bus. He was subdued by police after a three-hour standoff.

McLean, according to his family, was on his way home to Winnipeg from a job as a carnival worker in western Canada, when he was attacked.

Li, a devout Christian and a computer engineer, immigrated to Canada with his wife from China's province of Liaoning in 2001. 

Cannibal horror Yunnan province China

Cannibal horror
Eddie Luk 
Friday, May 25, 2012

Cops fear a cannibal killer has eaten or sold as meat at least 20 missing people, mostly boys, in a gruesome bloodbath in Yunnan province.

A 56-year-old man, Zhang Yongming, has been arrested over the disappearance of at least seven teenagers and the murder of one of them.

Police found dozens of human eyeballs preserved in alcohol inside wine bottles - like snake wine - in Zhang's home at Nanmen village in Jincheng township, Kunming.


They also found pieces of flesh, believed to be human, hanging in the house to dry.

Over the past few days, police have unearthed many bones, believed to be human remains, from a vegetable farm nearby.

It's also feared Zhang fed his three dogs with human flesh.

A special task force sent by the public security ministry in Beijing is supervising the investigation after a local police chief was sacked.

Mainland media reported that at least 20 young people living within a two-kilometer radius of the home are missing.

Police said Zhang was arrested on May 9 in connection with the disappearance of at least seven teenagers since 2007 and the murder of one of them.

Six disappeared in the past 15 months. The latest was 19-year-old worker Han Yao, who vanished on April 25.

Han, who lived in a village near Nanmen, was found murdered and his telephone card, bank card and other documents were discovered at Zhang's home.

A father told the mainland media yesterday his 17-year-old son was almost killed by Zhang in December last year.

>He said his son, Zhang Jianyuan, was walking past Zhang's home on his way from school when Zhang threw a leather belt around his neck and tried to strangle him. He released the boy when his shouts for help alerted villagers.

They reported to the police but the suspect was released when he said he was merely playing with the boy.

Earlier, parents of the missing youths appealed to local authorities to investigate Zhang but were told he was a lunatic.

One of the parents, Xie Shunsheng, said he saw Zhang selling meat in the market but did not know where he got it from.

"He has not been selling meat in recent years but I did see him once selling in the village what he claimed to be ostrich meat," said Xie, whose 16-year- old son, Haijun, disappeared on January 1 last year.

The number of victims could increase as police continue to dig over the suspect's home. One of the victims is said to be just 12.

In 1978 Zhang was sentenced to life imprisonment after being found guilty in a murder case involving dismemberment. He was released after serving 18 years.

According to a China Daily report, Jinning county authorities have removed police chief Da Qiming.

The head of the Jincheng township police station, Zhao Huiyun, will also be dismissed.

廉價航空爭客戰升溫 小心魔鬼細節

廉航戰升溫 小心魔鬼細節





寄艙行李餐飲費 機票不包





航班取消延誤 部分不賠償



Air Asia及香港航空發言人均表示,不曾因收客不足而取消航班。