Saturday, October 12, 2013

Origin of the Jiva Soul - Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja

Origin of the Jiva Soul
by Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja

Since time immemorial, man has inquired about the origin of the soul. In the thinking of many neophyte devotees the soul falls down from eternal pastimes with Krishna due to mundane envy. 

In this brief essay, Srila Sridhara Maharaja answers this most vital of all questions: "Who am I? Where have I come from?

Note: An audio mp3 file of Srila Sridhar Maharaja speaking on the Jiva issue available here.

How does the soul first appear in this world? From what stage of spiritual existence does he fall into the material world?" This is a broad question, which requires some background information.

There are two classes of souls, jivas, who come into this world. One class comes from the spiritual Vaikuntha planets by the necessity of nitya-lila, the eternal pastimes of Krsna. Another comes by constitutional necessity.

The brahmajyoti, the nondifferentiated marginal plane, is the source of infinite jiva souls, atomic spiritual particles of nondifferentiated character. The rays of the Lord's transcendental body are known as the brahmajyoti, and a pencil of a ray of the brahmajyoti is the jiva. The jiva soul is an atom in that effulgence, and the brahmajyoti is a product of an infinite number of jiva atoms.

Generally, souls emanate from the brahmajyoti which is living and growing. Within the brahmajyoti, their equilibrium is somehow disturbed and movement begins. From nondifferentiation, differentiation begins. From a plain sheet of uniform consciousness, individual conscious units grow. And because the jiva is conscious it is endowed with free will. So, from the marginal position they choose either the side of exploitation or the side of dedication.

Krsna bhuli sei jiva anadi bahirmukha . Anadi means that which has no beginning. When we enter the land of exploitation, we come within the factor of time, space, and thought. And when we come to exploit, action and reaction begins in the negative land of loan. Although we strive to become masters, really we become losers.

Goloka and Vaikuntha servitors are also seen to be within the jurisdiction of the brahmanda, the material universe, but that is only a play, lila. They come from that higher plane only to take part in the Lord's pastimes and then return. The fallen souls come from the marginal position within the brahmajyoti and not from Vaikuntha.

The first position of a soul in the material world will be like that of Brahma the creator. Then his karma may take him to the body of a beast like a tiger where he is surrounded with a tigerish mentality, or to the body of a tree or creeper, where different impressions may surround him. 

In this way, one is involved in action and reaction. The case is complex; to analyze the details of the history of a particular atom is unnecessary. We are concerned with the general thing: how the transformation of the material conception springs from pure consciousness.

Matter is not independent of spirit. In the brahmajyoti we are equipoised in the marginal potency as an infinite number of pinpoints of spiritual rays, electrons of consciousness. Consciousness means endowed with free will, for without free will no consciousness can be conceived. An atomic pinpoint of consciousness has very meager free will, and by misuse of their free will some jivas have taken their chance in the material world. They refused to submit to the supreme authority; they wanted to dominate. So, with this germinal idea of domination, the jiva enters into the world of exploitation. In the Bhagavad-gita (7.27) it is stated:

iccha-dvesa samutthena
dvandva-mohena bharata
sarva-bhutani sammoham
sarge yanti parantapa

"Two principles in a crude form awaken in the jiva: hatred and desire. Then, gradually the soul comes down to mingle with the mundane world."

At first, sympathy and apathy develop in a crude form, just as when a sprout springs up with two leaves. And gradually these two things help us to dive deep into this mundane world. Upon retiring from the world of exploitation, the soul may return to his former position in the brahmajyoti as spirit. But, if the soul has gathered the tendency of dedication through his previous devotional activities, he does not stop there; he pierces through the brahmajyoti and goes towards Vaikuntha.

Why has the soul come to the world of "exploitation" and not the world of dedication? That should be attributed to his innate nature, which is endowed with free will. It is a free choice. This is substantiated in the Bhagavad-gita (5. 14):

na kartrtvam na karmani
lokasya srjati prabhuh
na karma-phala-samyogam
svabhavas tu pravartate

"The soul is responsible for his entrance into the land of exploitation."

The responsibility is with the soul, otherwise, the Lord would be responsible for his distressed condition. But Krsna says that the soul's innate free will is responsible for his entanglement in the material world. The soul is conscious, and consciousness means endowed with freedom

Because the soul is atomic, his free will is imperfect and vulnerable. The result of that free choice is that some are coming into the material world, and some are going to the spiritual world. So, the responsibility is with the individual soul.

Once, an Indian political leader, Syamasundara Cakravarti, asked our spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada, "Why has the Lord granted such freedom to the jiva ?" 

Prabhupada told him, ""You are fighting for freedom. Don't you know the value of freedom? Devoid of freedom, the soul is only matter." Freedom offers us the alternative to do right or wrong. 

Once, Gandhi told the British authorities, ""We want freedom."' They replied, "You are not fit to have self-government. When you are fit, we shall give it to you." But finally, he told them, "We want the freedom to do wrong." So, freedom does not guarantee only acting in the right way; freedom has its value independent of right and wrong.

Free will is only absolute with the Absolute Truth. Because we are finite our free will is infinitesimal. The possibility of committing a mistake is there. Our first choice was to dominate and so, gradually we have entered the world of domination. 

As a result of this first action, everything else has developed. So, in different ranks the species have been divided from the demigods down to the trees and stones. And watery bodies, gaseous bodies, anything that we find here has evolved in that way. The activating principle in any form of embryological development is the soul, and from the soul, everything has evolved."

Friday, September 27, 2013

Little Krishna English Tele Film

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 1 "The Darling Of Vrindavan" Youtube Videos

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 2 "The Legendary Warrior"

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 3 "Wondrous Feats"

Little Krishna English Episodes

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

科士威 eCosway 香港特惠店地址電話

科士威 eCosway 香港天然有機店
852-2376 2810


Thursday, September 19, 2013

大專生兼職王 最勁保險月賺五萬

大專生兼職王 最勁月賺五萬
晴報 9/19/2013
大專生兼職王 最勁月賺五萬


善用 Instagram 爭曝光兼追蹤客人
近年興起網上購物,為年輕人「秘撈」帶來契機。九十後的鄧曉瑩見中學生喜歡經Instagram購物,今年六月成立了專賣女性服飾的網上店Ma Cocotte,不消兩個月已有逾六千個粉絲,月入一萬二千至一萬四千元。

曉瑩坦言,當初開網上店只想每月賺一兩千元零用錢,豈料首月已賺萬元。「做online shop成本低,客人先入數,我才去淘寶訂貨。平時多數郵寄貨品,即使當面交收都會集齊數張單,節省時間及交通費。」

小店成功的竅門,是曉瑩善用Instagram的hashtag,打出相關標記用字,例如online shop、korean fashion等,可增加別人搜尋該店及產品的機會。她又會到訪其他網上店的粉絲欄,追蹤目標客人。

為了跟進客人的要求,曉瑩說手機會二十四小時 on call,又密密覆WhatsApp,定時更新Instagram的產品及圖片,以及推高部分「沉底」的帖子。貨品抵港後她會仔細檢查,確保質料、呎碼及色差無問題才送貨給客人,靠口碑累積網上店的粉絲。

sell personality 三個月佣金逾十一萬

在機緣巧合下,樂兒在朋友引薦加入保險公司。她說從來不會cold call搵客,客人都是靠人際網絡累積而來。她除了積極參加校內學會活動,例如做迎新營搞手,還經常出席商界聚餐。短短三個月內,她曾錄得佣金逾十一萬元佳績,高峰期曾試過月入五萬,還擢升為助理分部經理。

樂兒年紀輕輕,能夠獲得客人信任,全靠二十四小時候命的投入。她笑說:「保險業的最高層次是sell personality,而非sell product。個客信我才會選擇我。」她的手機長開,即使凌晨兩三點,還會回覆客人的查問。


實戰經驗 日後見工加分
中原人力資源顧問有限公司董事總經理周綺萍表示,隨着互聯網及社交媒體發展迅速,愈來愈多年輕人利用這些平台做小生意,如果他們日後應徵銷售及市務等職位都有裨益。「以前九成大學生的兼職是補習,現在約兩三成是做網上銷售,反映他們肯嘗試及接觸real world,對HR而言,已加了不少印象分。」


中秋節假期 搵錢好時機



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

新加坡廉航酷航 Flyscoot「搶灘」攻香港


(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)本地廉航市場龐大潛力,再有廉航公司加入競爭。新加坡的酷航 昨宣布十一月開辦新加坡往來香港航綫,單程機票正價大約七百五十港元,期望以「更低價格、更高享受」爭奪市場。公司行政總裁Campbell Wilson透露,為了應付發展需要,公司明年底會引入多二十架波音787夢幻客機。

  不論公務需要或旅遊,新加坡也是港人一個熱門選擇,目前已有多家公司提供航班服務,單計廉航也有JetStar(捷星航空)及Tigerair(虎航)等,但是酷航仍對本港市場充滿信心,昨日專誠來港出席記者會的行政總裁Campbell Wilson指出,現時每日共有逾二十航班來往星港兩地,但他相信廉航空間仍然很大,「市場需要更多產品、更多選擇。」

  酷航屬於新加坡航空公司全資擁有附屬公司,以新加坡為基地,Campbell 以新加坡樟宜機場為例,指在○四年,選擇廉航的旅客只佔整體旅客大約百分之四,但至去年,比例已升至百分之三十三。他指,公司有信心每班航機載客率可維持超過八成,但就無為市場份額訂下目標,至於捷星香港與國泰航空之間就航空牌照申請的爭拗,他就表示不宜評論。




Wednesday, September 4, 2013

榴槤迷健康之選 大棧軟雪皮榴槤月餅

榴槤迷健康之選 大棧軟雪皮榴槤月餅



查詢:3976 3888

▲暹王皇族軟雪皮榴槤月餅(4個裝)  選用泰國南部少於100棵果樹的「古傳青尼」果肉製成,味道幽香清甜,餘韻深長。

▲暹王寶石迷你軟雪皮榴槤月餅(8個裝) 以金枕及古傳青尼的新品種榴槤製成,厚肉及細膩奶香,甘甜可口。

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

廣州8家月餅包裝含塑化劑 太平洋咖啡costa等上榜

廣州8家月餅包裝含塑化劑 太平洋咖啡costa等上榜




  其中,太平洋咖啡((PACIFIC COFFEE)出品的「合家團圓」月餅禮盒中月餅托塑化劑DEHP含量為18.5mg/kg,DBP含量高達12.0mg/kg,是所有品牌中塑化劑含量最多的,其DEHP含量是最低的香港美心月餅(含量3.23mg/kg)的5.7倍,DBP含量是最低的雪貝爾月餅(含量0.169mg/kg)的71倍。




  國標GB 9685-2008《食品容器、包裝材料用添加劑使用衛生標準》中明確規定,DEHP和DBP「僅用於非脂肪性食品的材料、不得用於接觸嬰幼兒食品用的材料」。





Tuesday, August 13, 2013

朱元璋唬弄台灣人600年 鬼月其實是吉祥月

「朱元璋唬弄台灣人600年」 鬼月其實是吉祥月





Thursday, August 1, 2013



  坊間近年甚流行蔬食主義,不少食店更響應Green Monday飲食風氣。進食蔬果有益身體,但食用前若沒洗淨殘餘農藥,長期可導致增患多種慢性疾病,甚至致癌。專家警告現時常用的多種洗菜方法,部分完全不能去除有害物質。不想吃出反效果,便要多加留意正確指引。






