Sunday, January 22, 2012

香港政府五百億浸庫房 市民盼派錢

五百億浸庫房 市民盼派錢         
2012年01月20日 星期五

香港政府請派錢六千或一萬貧窮人儲得又用得這是德政 Support Scheme 6000  

面對高通脹、樓價高企、地產霸權等多種問題,市民的新年願望,當然是希望政府能夠「派糖」紓財困。特首曾蔭權昨在答問大會,被議員要求派錢退稅。他說社會上對派錢有不同的意見,顯示大多數人對措施有保留  ,言語間似暗示市民,今年派錢「無着落」。











Saturday, January 21, 2012

9個月跨14國2.1萬公里 澳洲阿甘 Pat Farmer 北極跑到南極

9個月跨14國2.1萬公里 澳洲阿甘北極跑到南極
The Sun

【本報訊】有澳洲阿甘之稱的國會議員法馬(Pat Farmer),昨天成功完成由北極跑到南極的極級馬拉松壯舉。法馬去年四月二日出發,穿越十四個國家,全程約二萬一千公里,穿州過省、攀山涉水,在極地忍受暴風雪,又在秘魯沙漠迷失方向;遇見北極熊、鱷魚、毒蛇等猛獸更不在話下。他亦須與土匪和軍閥周旋,又差點遭橫衝直撞的貨車撞倒。







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NZ police cut locks in Megaupload raid

NZ police cut locks in Megaupload raid

The mansion home of Megaupload founder Kim Schmitz. Photo: Reuters.
It's emerged that New Zealand police broke through electronic locks and cut their way into a mansion safe room to arrest the alleged kingpin of an international Internet copyright theft case and seize millions of dollars worth of cars, artwork and other goods.

German national Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, was one of four men arrested on Friday in an investigation of the website led by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The group was accused of engaging in a scheme that took more than US$500 million away from copyright holders and generated over $175 million in proceeds from subscriptions and advertising.

A police official said on Saturday that dozens of officers, backed by helicopters, forced their way into the mansion, nestled in lush farmland, after Mr Schmitz refused them entry to his home in Auckland.

The 37-year-old German citizen, who has New Zealand and Hong Kong residency, was denied bail with three other men on Friday when they appeared in an Auckland district court.

They will appear in court again on Monday.

Web Hosting

HK seizes $330 m in Megaupload raids

German internet millionaire Kim Schmitz also known as Kim Dotcom. Reuters file photo.
Customs officers have raided offices, domestic premises and luxury hotel suites in Hong Kong as part of a worldwide FBI Internet piracy investigation into file-sharing site

One hundred officers took part in the raids Friday which seized a large amount of digital evidence and uncovered about HK$330 million (US$42 million) in suspected crime proceeds, Customs said.

"The assets have been frozen in accordance with related ordinances. The operation is ongoing," it said in a statement.

Officers raided hotel suites costing HK$100,000 a day equipped with high-speed servers and large television screens which were suspected to be connected to the case.

Megaupload's website was shut down Thursday by US authorities who accuse it of one of the largest cases of copyright theft ever.

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, is being held in New Zealand following a police raid there.

The 37-year-old German citizen, who has New Zealand and Hong Kong residency, was denied bail with three other men on Friday when they appeared in an Auckland district court.

New Zealand police seized luxury cars worth NZ$6.0 million (US$4.8 million), including a 1959 pink Cadillac and a Rolls Royce Phantom, in a raid on Dotcom's Auckland mansion.

MegaUpload 被封網拉人 香港為基地 侵權獲利 13億

MEGAUPLOAD被封網拉人 香港為基地 侵權獲利 13億

正當美國國會審議的《反網絡盜版法》,引發科網界強烈抗議之際,司法部前天(周四)關閉以香港為基地、全球最大檔案分享網站,並透過新西蘭警方拘控七人,他們涉及非法發佈盜版電影及音樂獲利。黑客組織隨即攻擊聯邦調查局( FBI)及司法部等網站報復,令網站癱瘓。


Megaupload有 1.5億登記用戶,每日點擊率達 5,000萬次,更獲得多位樂壇巨星力撐。 FBI調查後發現,該網站利用美國伺服器複製及發佈侵權的盜版電影及音樂,又獎賞上載盜版內容的用戶,藉以獲利 1.75億美元( 13.6億港元),導致版權持有人損失 5億美元( 39億港元)。網站創辦人 Kim Dotcom去年就賺了 4,200萬美元( 3.26億港元)。


Web Hosting

美國司法部前天勒令關閉該網站,新西蘭警方同時在奧克蘭拘捕有香港居留權的 Kim Dotcom及德國籍香港居民奧特曼等四人,又撿獲槍械、藝術品、逾 800萬美元( 6,240萬港元)現金及多輛名貴汽車,仍有三名涉案人士在逃。

美國司法部前天下令關閉侵權的檔案分享網站 Megaupload。美聯社

香港海關亦配合採取行動,昨晨調動約 100人搜查四處目標地點,查獲大量電子證據,並凍結 3.3億港元涉案資產。
Kim Dotcom等四人被控侵權、串謀洗黑錢及詐騙等五罪,下周一會再次提堂,並將被引渡到美國受審。網站關閉後,黑客組織「無名氏」前晚即攻擊 FBI、司法部、環球唱片及美國唱片業協會等網站報復,多個網站癱瘓達數小時。







Friday, January 20, 2012

護膚品 OLAY 長效保濕凝露修復年輕

2012年1月18日 星期三

(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)從小時候跟媽媽到萬寧購買「玉蘭油」,到台灣美容大王大、小S徐熙媛和徐熙娣成為Olay代言人,至近日看到本港「o靚模」Angelababy擔當Olay Aquaction長效保濕凝露的廣告女郎,足見品牌亦緊隨護膚年輕化的大勢,新品設計進一步擴闊年齡層,身為「八十後」的我,亦決定一試品牌產品。

試用了新推的長效保濕凝露後,發現皮膚變得水感彈嫩,原來有賴當中的聚水能量因子及嶄新保濕技術,能為肌膚補水和鎖水;另以三頭合金按摩滾珠設計的亮眼淡紋魔法棒,一按一轉便自動滲出高濃度美白精華乳,尤其方便懶人使用。至於Total Effects粉嫩氣色乳,則可調整膚色及防UV,更有效改善色斑、欠彈性、暗啞等老化問題。

  a.Total Effects粉嫩氣色乳。($199.9)
  c.長效保濕凝露。  ($219.9)

  文:小叉 圖:陳鐵剛

Feds shut down popular file-sharing website Megaupload

Feds shut down popular file-sharing website Megaupload
Five-count indictment alleges copyright infringement, conspiracy to commit money laundering, racketeering

McLEAN, Virginia — One of the world's most popular file-sharing sites was shut down, and its founder and several company officials were accused of facilitating millions of illegal downloads of films, music and other content.

A federal indictment Thursday accused of costing copyright holders at least $500 million in lost revenue. The indictment was unsealed one day after websites including Wikipedia and Craigslist shut down in protest of two congressional proposals intended to make it easier for authorities to go after sites with pirated material, especially those with overseas headquarters and servers.

The news of the shutdown seemed to bring retaliation from hackers who claimed credit for attacking the Justice Department's website. Federal officials confirmed it was down Thursday evening and that the disruption was being "treated as a malicious act."

A loose affiliation of hackers known as "Anonymous" claimed credit for the attack. Also hacked was the site for the Motion Picture Association of America and perhaps others.

Megaupload is based in Hong Kong, but some of the alleged pirated content was hosted on leased servers in Ashburn, Virginia, which gave federal authorities jurisdiction, the indictment said.

The Justice Department said in a statement said that Kim Dotcom, 37, and three other employees were arrested Thursday in New Zealand at the request of U.S. officials. Three other defendants are at large.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which defends free speech and digital rights online, said in a statement that, "This kind of application of international criminal procedures to Internet policy issues sets a terrifying precedent. If the United States can seize a Dutch citizen in New Zealand over a copyright claim, what is next?"
Before Megaupload was taken down, it posted a statement saying allegations that it facilitated massive breaches of copyright laws were "grotesquely overblown."

"The fact is that the vast majority of Mega's Internet traffic is legitimate, and we are here to stay. If the content industry would like to take advantage of our popularity, we are happy to enter into a dialogue. We have some good ideas. Please get in touch," the statement said.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department said its Web server for was "experiencing a significant increase in activity, resulting in a degradation in service." It was working to fix it and "investigate the origins of this activity, which is being treated as a malicious act until we can fully identify the root cause of the disruption," the agency's statement said.

A spokesman for the Motion Picture Association of America said in an emailed statement that the group's site had been hacked, although it appeared to be working later in the evening.
"The motion picture and television industry has always been a strong supporter of free speech," the spokesman said. "We strongly condemn any attempts to silence any groups or individuals."

Megaupload was unique not only because of its massive size and the volume of downloaded content, but also because it had high-profile support from celebrities, musicians and other content producers who are most often the victims of copyright infringement and piracy. Before the website was taken down, it contained endorsements from Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys and Kanye West, among others.

The company listed Swizz Beatz, a musician who married Keys in 2010, as its CEO. He was not named in the indictment and declined to comment through a representative.

According to the indictment, Megaupload was estimated at one point to be the 13th most frequently visited website on the Internet. Current estimates by companies that monitor Web traffic place it in the top 100.
The five-count indictment, which alleges copyright infringement as well as conspiracy to commit money laundering and racketeering, described a site designed specifically to reward users who uploaded pirated content for sharing, and turned a blind eye to requests from copyright holders to remove copyright-protected files.

For instance, users received cash bonuses if they uploaded content popular enough to generate massive numbers of downloads, according to the indictment. Such content was almost always copyright protected.
The site boasted 150 million registered users and about 50 million hits daily. The Justice Department said it was illegal for anyone to download pirated content, but their investigation focused on the leaders of the company, not end users who may have downloaded a few movies for personal viewing.

A lawyer who represented the company in a lawsuit last year declined comment Thursday. Efforts to reach an attorney representing Dotcom were unsuccessful.
Megaupload is considered a "cyberlocker," in which users can upload and transfer files that are too large to send by email. Such sites can have perfectly legitimate uses. But the Motion Picture Association of America, which has campaigned for a crackdown on piracy, estimated that the vast majority of content being shared on Megaupload was in violation of copyright laws.

The website allowed users to download some content for free, but made money by charging subscriptions to people who wanted access to faster download speeds or extra content. The website also sold advertising.
The indictment was returned in the Eastern District of Virginia, which claimed jurisdiction in part because some of the alleged pirated materials were hosted on leased servers in Ashburn, Virginia. Prosecutors there have pursued multiple piracy investigations.

Steven T. Shelton, a copyright lawyer at the Cozen O'Connor firm in New York, said opponents of the legislation are worried the proposals lessen the burden for the government to target a wide variety of websites. Shelton said he expects to see the government engage in more enforcement in the future, as technology makes it easier to catch and target suspected pirates.

海港城 D and G 門口萬人影相活動

D&G 門口萬人影相活動 

反對D&G同海港城霸權! 扼殺港人公眾地方自由, 歧視港人! 罷買D&G 

D&G 門口萬人影相活動2

唔道歉 萬人今日圍住影 1/08/2012


數千人挑機  DOLCE & GABBANA道歉吧!

D&G 門口萬人影相活動----萬人空巷高呼 D O G
蘋果日報即時新聞2012年01月08日 (09:30 pm)

D&G 門口萬人影相活動---龍獅香港旗---撒溪錢

Thursday, January 19, 2012

手提電話手機掉到水裏應對方法 入水急救法






  (公子日記 森美)

Best Chocolates for your Valentine Organic Fair Trade

Best chocolates for your Valentine 
Adapted from the 2/2012 Consumer Reports magazine.

Chocolate lovers can double their pleasure: Treat your Valentine to some great tasting chocolate and make a big difference by choosing organic, fair trade chocolates. 

After trying three-dozen varieties of boxed chocolates for Consumer Reports 2012 taste tests, the testers high-rated one organic, fair trade chocolate brand: Theo Chocolate Confection Collection (12 pieces) at $26. The testers noted that Theo’s had outstanding pieces, such as “lemon ganache, fig, mint, and ginger enrobed in flavorful dark chocolate.” Also note that Theo’s products are kosher, gluten-free, and soy-free


Another brand judged a Best Buy in the tests and produced in part with sustainably grown, local ingredients, is John & Kira’s Every Flavor Collection (56 pieces) on sale for $79. (A 15-piece box costs $32.) Testers found these chocolates infused with mint "taste as if the leaves were just picked." Although some ingredients can be locally sourced, these chocolates are not certified organic or fair trade.

Fran’s Chocolates Assorted Truffles Collection (36 pieces ) also was rated a Best Buy at $50, and uses some hand-selected organic ingredients, such as cream from the Fresh Breeze Organic Dairy in Washington State.

Many of the recommended handmade confections have a brief 5 to 10 day shelf life. So enjoy them right away.

For another winter-friendly chocolate experience, you might consider a gift of organic, fair trade hot chocolate. The last time Consumer Reports tested hot chocolates for taste, they recommended Dagoba Organic Authentic Drinking Chocolate, which costs $11.95 for a 12 oz. canister (or a 6-pack for $59.70), available online at It is certified both organic and fair trade.

Sweet health benefits for your heart 

The high concentrations of antioxidants, called flavanols, in chocolate, especially in the dark variety, are naturally-occurring compounds known to have positive influences on vascular health, such as lower blood pressure and improved blood flow to the brain and heart. A study published in August 2010 in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure found that middle aged and elderly Swedish women who ate an average of one to two servings of high-quality chocolate per week had a 32 percent lower risk of developing heart failure than those who didn't eat chocolate. 

In another 2010 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers asked 1,216 older women how many servings of chocolate they consumed each week. Those who consumed chocolate "frequently" (either 1 to 6 servings or 7 or more servings a week) had a 24 percent lower risk of hospitalization or death from heart disease or heart failure than those who ate it "rarely" (less than 1 serving a week) over the course of 10 years.

Clearly, eating a little dark chocolate occasionally can be healthful, but eating too much won't be: The tested chocolates that reveal nutrition facts have about 200 calories and 8 to 18 grams of saturated fat per 1.4-ounce serving. So large amounts might harm your heart and expand your waistline. 

Consumer Reports health experts recommend limiting yourself to small to moderate portions a couple of times a week. Also, try to steer clear of chocolate treats filled with caramel, marshmallows, or toffee--those sugary ingredients add to the calorie and saturated-fat count.

Some cocoa product labels mention antioxidants, but processing can mean a loss of flavanols, and most commercial cocoa drinks contain relatively small amounts, according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, an independent, evidence-based evaluator of natural products.

When you check the label, chocolate's main ingredient is roasted ground cocoa beans (called chocolate liquor). Cocoa powder is chocolate liquor with most of the cocoa butter removed. 

The following is a list of some meaningful eco-labels you can find on chocolate:

USDA Certified Organic

What it means:
• Farmers emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality

• Crops are grown without using synthetic fertilizer or the most persistent pesticides 

• Crops are produced without genetic engineering or ionizing radiation 

• Crops are processed and handled separately from conventional cocoa

Fair Trade Certified

What it means:
• Farmers and workers receive a fair price for their product

• Trade is done directly between farmer-owned cooperatives and buyers

• Crops are grown using soil and water conservation measures that restrict the use of agrochemicals

Rainforest Alliance

What it means:
• Crops are grown using integrated pest management systems that limit the use of agrochemicals

• Crops are grown using water, soil and wildlife habitat conservation measures 

• Farm laborers are paid salaries and benefits equal to or greater than the legal minimum wage of their countries

香港關愛基金1億元資助1.2萬長者鑲假牙 每人上限7300元 招募200牙醫

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Web Hosting




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綠是彩色 記者陳曉蕾













