Wednesday, December 2, 2015




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功巴跟雖雜飛檢吸助昇陽互初創抗 考投壞策古徑換未跑留鋼曾端責站簡述錢副盡帝射草衝承獨令限阿宣環雙請超微讓控州良軸找否紀益依優頂礎載倒房突坐粉敵略客袁冷勝絕析塊劑測絲協重訴念陳仍 羅鹽友洋錯苦夜刑移頻逐靠混母短皮終聚汽村雲哪既距衛停烈央察燒行迅境若印洲刻括激孔搞甚室待核校散侵吧甲遊久菜味舊模湖貨損預阻毫普穩乙媽植息擴銀語揮 酒守拿序紙醫缺雨嗎針劉啊急唱誤訓願審附獲茶鮮糧斤孩脫硫肥善龍演父漸血歡械掌歌沙著剛攻謂盾討晚粒亂燃矛乎殺藥寧

魯貴鐘煤讀班伯香介迫句豐培握蘭擔弦蛋 沉假穿執答樂誰順煙縮徵臉喜松腳困異免背星福買染井概慢怕磁倍祖皇促靜補評翻肉踐尼衣寬揚棉希傷操垂秋宜氫套筆督振架亮末憲慶編牛觸映雷銷詩座居抓裂胞呼 娘景威綠晶厚盟衡雞孫延危膠還屋鄉臨陸顧掉呀燈歲措束耐劇玉趙跳哥季課凱胡額款紹卷齊偉蒸殖永宗苗川爐岩弱零楊奏沿露桿探滑鎮飯濃航懷趕庫奪伊靈稅了途滅 賽歸召鼓播盤裁險康唯錄菌純藉糖蓋橫符私努堂域槍潤幅哈竟熟蟲澤

腦壤碳歐遍側寨敢徹慮斜薄庭都納彈飼伸折麥濕暗荷瓦塞床築惡戶訪塔奇透梁刀旋跡卡氯遇份毒 泥退洗擺灰彩賣耗夏擇忙銅獻硬予繁圈雪函亦抽篇陣陰丁尺追堆雄迎泛爸樓避謀噸野豬旗累偏典館索秦脂潮爺豆忽托驚塑遺愈朱替纖粗傾尚痛楚謝奮購磨君池旁碎骨 監捕弟暴割貫殊釋詞亡壁頓寶午塵聞揭砲殘冬橋婦警綜招吳付浮遭徐您搖谷贊箱隔訂男吹樂園紛唐敗宋玻巨耕坦榮閉灣鍵凡駐鍋救恩剝凝鹼齒截煉麻紡禁廢盛版緩淨 睛昌婚涉筒嘴

插岸朗莊街藏姑貿腐奴啦慣乘夥恢勻紗扎辯耳彪臣億璃抵脈秀薩俄網舞店噴縱寸汗掛洪著賀閃柬爆烯津稻牆軟勇像滾釐蒙芳肯坡柱盪腿儀旅尾軋冰貢登 黎削鑽勒逃障氨郭峰幣港伏軌畝畢擦莫刺浪秘援株健售股島甘泡睡童鑄湯閥休匯舍牧繞炸哲磷績朋淡尖啟陷柴呈徒顏淚稍忘泵藍拖洞授鏡辛壯鋒貧虛彎摩泰幼廷尊窗 綱弄隸疑氏宮姐震瑞怪尤琴循描膜違夾腰緣珠窮森枝竹溝催繩憶邦剩幸漿欄擁牙貯禮濾鈉紋彈罷拍咱喊袖埃勤罰焦潛伍墨欲縫

刊飽仿獎鋁鬼麗跨默挖鏈掃喝袋炭污 幕諸弧勵梅奶潔災舟鑑苯訟抱毀率懂寒智埔寄屆躍渡挑丹艱貝碰拔爹戴碼夢芽熔赤漁哭敬顆奔藏鉛熟仲虎稀妹乏珍申桌遵允隆螺倉魏銳曉氮兼隱礙赫撥忠肅缸牽搶博 巧殼兄杜訊誠碧祥柯頁巡矩悲灌齡倫票尋桂鋪聖恐恰鄭趣抬荒騰貼柔滴猛闊輛妻填撤儲簽鬧擾紫砂遞戲吊陶伐餵療瓶婆撫臂摸忍蝦蠟鄰胸鞏擠偶棄槽勁乳鄧吉仁爛磚 租烏艦伴瓜淺丙暫燥橡柳迷暖牌纖秧膽詳簧踏瓷譜呆賓糊洛輝憤競隙怒

粘乃緒肩籍敏塗熙皆偵懸掘享糾醒狂鎖澱恨牲霸爬賞逆玩陵祝秒浙貌役彼悉鴨著趨鳳晨畜輩秩 卵署梯炎灘棋驅篩峽冒啥壽譯浸泉帽遲硅疆貸漏稿冠嫩脅芯牢叛蝕奧鳴嶺羊憑串塘繪酵融盆錫廟籌凍輔攝襲筋拒僚旱鉀鳥漆沈眉疏添棒穗硝韓逼扭僑涼挺碗栽炒杯患 餾勸豪遼勃鴻旦吏拜狗埋輥掩飲搬罵辭勾扣估蔣絨霧丈朵姆擬宇輯陝雕償蓄崇剪倡廳咬駛薯刷斥番賦奉佛澆漫曼扇鈣桃扶仔返俗虧腔鞋稜覆框悄叔撞騙勘旺沸孤粘吐 孟渠屈疾妙惜仰

狠脹諧拋霉桑崗嘛衰盜滲臟賴湧甜曹閱肌哩厲烴緯毅昨偽症煮嘆釘搭莖籠酷偷弓錐恆傑坑鼻翼綸敘獄逮罐絡棚抑膨蔬寺驟穆冶枯冊屍凸紳坯犧焰轟欣 晉瘦禦錠錦喪旬鍛壟搜佛撲邀亭酯邁舒脆 閒憂酚頑羽漲卸仗陪薄闢懲杭姚肚捉飄漂昆欺吾郎烷汁呵飾蕭雅郵遷燕撒姻赴宴煩削債帳斑鈴旨醇董餅雛姿拌傅腹妥揉賢 拆歪葡胺丟浩徽昂墊擋覽貪慰繳汪慌馮諾姜誼兇劣誣耀昏躺盈騎喬溪叢盧抹易悶咨刮駕纜悟摘鉺擲頗幻柄惠慘佳仇臘窩滌劍瞧堡


潑蔥罩霍撈胎蒼濱倆捅湘砍霞邵萄瘋 淮遂熊糞烘宿檔戈駁嫂裕徙箭捐腸撐曬辨殿蓮攤攪醬屏疫哀蔡堵沫皺暢疊閣萊敲轄鉤痕壩巷餓禍丘玄溜曰邏彭嘗卿妨艇吞韋怨矮歇郊祿捻漠粹顛宏冤肪飢呵仙押挨醛 娃拾沒佩勿嚇訛侯戀夕鋅篡戚淋蓬豈釉兆泊魂拘亡槓摧氟頌渾凌鈾誘犁譴頒舶扯嘉萌猶滋焊舌匹媳肺掠釀烹疲馳鴉窄辱狹樸遣菲姦韌辣拳稈臥醉竭茅墓矣哎艷敦輿締 雇尿葬履契禽渣襯躲賠咸溉賊醋堤抖妃褲廉晴挽掀茫醜亥攔悠闡慧佐奇豎孝

櫃麟繡遙逝愁肖昭芬逢窯捷圜盲閘宙輻披賬狼幽綢蜂慎餐酬誓惟叉彌址幟芝砌欸僕濤臭翠 盒劫慨炳闔寂椒倘拓畏喉巾頸墾拚獸蔽蘆乾爽竊譚掙崩模褐傳翅儒傘晃謬胚剖湊眠濁霜礁蔑抄闖灑碑蓉耶猜蹲壺喚澳鋸郡玲綿紐梳掏籲錘鼠穴椅殷遮吵萍厭畜俱誇呂 囊捧雌閩饒瞬鬱哨鑿朝俺滸茂肝勳盯籽恥菊濫稼戒奈帥鞭蠶鎂詢跌烤壇宅笛鄂蠻顫棍睜鼎岌降侍藩嚷匪岳糟纏迪洩卑氛堪蘿盛碘縛悅澄甫攀屠溢拱晰攜朽吟菱謙凹俊 芒盼嬸艘 趁唇挫羞

浴疼萎餚愚腫刨絞樞嫁慕艙鏟蘋豫諭迭潘頃翁榜匠欠茬疇胃沾蹤弊哼鵬歧桐沃悼惑潰蔗薦潭孢露診庸聰嫌廚龐祁鉗肆梭贈崖籃穎甸藻搗且撕詔貞 賜慈炕胖茲差瓊鏽汛卓棵饋撓灶嬰蒂膚衫瀝崙勉滬逸蜜浦嗓暈膏祭贏艾扮鵝憐蒲兔孕嚦蘗挪淑謠懼廊緬俘驕膀陡宰誕峻惱腺獵渦夷愉魔銨葛賈似蔭喲脊鈔苛錳橢鑲杏 溴倚滯會氓捏斬傲匆僵滷燙衍榨攏裸屑咽坊舅渴翔邪拄窖貓砌欽媒脾勺柏柵噪晝耿扁辰秤得販糕梁曇衷宦扔哇詐囑藤卜岡悔廓皂拐氰

杉瑪矢寓瓣罕垮筍淘銜稱恭喇帕 桉秉簾銘蛇摔齋叭帆裸儉瘤篷砸肢闢脖瞪暑卜竿殲笙酮蘊嘩瞎喀刃楔喘枚嵌撾廂粵甩拴膝懇腕娓熄錨忌愧哦荊圃騷丸蒜毯弗俯鹿梢屯衙轎賤壘諒踢啞滔渥餉泳棕熬擱  梨吻櫻奠捆姨柏聘惕鄆綁冀裹酥寡彥稠啡鈍汝擅汰 埔敞嘿遜棟謹咖鯉雀傭庵葫賄鱗拼搏謊塌忉膩戊怖墳禾剎嘻桔坎拇煽獅癢曾梗寇鷹燭哄莽雯胳龜亟糠泌坪傻什 喻淵蚌跪巷涅釗譬蕊膛侮奕枕辮況扼郝寥淒廈腥鈞耦蹄戥屁誦匈樁釣涵倦袍抒

嶼蹈忿敷虹聊嗣尉燦糙蹬嗯姬狡笨辜僧茨諷翰枉岐棗嶄焚咕猴攬澇耍趟洶咋傍鍍給爵虜 劈璋踩瞅迄昔汞呱詭魄祺嘲惶贓癌咐歉扳鄙廬聶便芡軀貶煌擰隋襄淤寵炊滇謇懶栓佑憾駱裙猖兜孵痼盥曝泣絮韻眷曠噢參棲盞鰲濺煎校榴暮琪淆陛巢噠吼槐唧其沛乞 蜀蜇賺捍鉸冪堯咒耽叮褂煥煞雹搓釜鉻揀募淹瑰鰱茄灼鄒躬覺嬌焉彰鶴琳淪畔惹庶斃皖邢禹漬繃竄翹淫簞陌膊韃咳玫巫拂蕉瀾贖綏鋤囪賭頰縷寅躁稚庚苟氦魁珊蛻蛭 酌逗閨蔓撇豌朕緝襟鎳


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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

ASICS MetaRun Long Distance Running Shoe Review

ASICS MetaRun: The Best Long Distance Running Shoe In ASICS History
ASICS unveils future of footwear technology with its best ever long-distance running shoe
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Packed with four patents and five new technologies 

IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Three years ago, scientists at the ASICS Institute of Sport Science set out on a mission with a clear objective: make the best ASICS long-distance running shoe possible. The result – MetaRun – will be available in the United States beginning November 28,2015.

Introducing five new groundbreaking technologies :
FlyteFoam: newly patented, ASICS' lightest, most durable midsole, with organic fibers for high-level cushioning

AdaptTruss: newly patented and revolutionary carbon reinforced adaptive stability system
Sloped DUOMAX: dual density midsole that adjusts smoothly to dynamic motion

Optimized Upper: featuring a glove-like, one-layer Jacquard Mesh and MetaClutch exoskeleton external heel counter with built-in memory foam

X-GEL hybrid high-tech gel

MetaRun is designed to provide distance runners of all levels everything they need to perform at their best from start to finish – all in one shoe. Equipped with five new groundbreaking technologies that adapt to individual runner requirements, ASICS scientists have gone further than ever before to maximize all four core long-distance running functions. 

MetaRun sets a new benchmark for ASICS, with improvements in every area. It incorporates ASICS' lightest midsole, provides stability that kicks in when needed, has a glove-like fit, and cushioning that absorbs every impact to deliver an unparalleled ride from the first stride to the last.

"As a leader in performance running, ASICS needs to stay ahead of the game. We challenged our team of experts at ASICS Institute of Sport Science to develop a shoe that transcends current design limitations and ensures our future success. MetaRun is our most technologically-advanced shoe ever and marks a significant breakthrough for ASICS. I am delighted that our team has raised the bar higher than ever before to set a new standard for long-distance running footwear," said Motoi OYAMA, President and CEO, ASICS Corporation.

Fine-tuned for performance: the long-run at its best
In 2013, Dr. Tsuyoshi Nishiwaki, Executive Officer and Head of Research at ASICS Institute of Sport Science, was given a challenge – to create ASICS' best long-distance running shoe possible. With no limits or compromise on time or cost, the only condition was that MetaRun had to provide better performance for runners than existing ASICS footwear in all four core long-distance running attributes: lightweight, stability, fit and cushioning. In the past, maximizing one would often compromise another.

Dr. Nishiwaki and his team fine-tuned every detail for performance, from the proprietary midsole formula to the precise positioning of X-GEL. Building from the chemical compound up, and with unrestricted access to the best equipment and experts available, rigorous testing led to the discovery of new materials and five key innovative technologies to finally achieve their goal.

Intricately balancing all functions, MetaRun provides unprecedented performance benefits in one shoe. Scoring higher than existing internal benchmarks2 in all four core functions, MetaRun provides superior comfort and support to keep runners fresh and in optimal condition throughout their run.

Lightweight: FlyteFoam lightweight midsole—with built-in organic fibers—is about 55% lighter than industry standard, helping to reduce overall weight by 20g as well as increasing cushioning, durability and bounce-back.

Stability: All-new, carbon-reinforced, two-piece AdaptTruss provides progressive adaptive stability that works seamlessly with the sloped DUOMAX construction to deliver 28% more rearfoot stability and 15% more midfoot stability, reducing pressure for a smoother transition.

Fit: Optimized upper with MetaClutch exoskeleton external heel counter with memory-foam lining, and glove-like, one-layered Jacquard Mesh, improves both static fit (44% in lateral and 26% in medial) and dynamic fit (12% in lateral and 15% in medial) to fit better to foot shape when still and in motion.

Cushioning: X-GEL hybrid gel formulation, shape and precision positioning increases rearfoot cushioning by 18%.

"At ASICS, we have pioneered innovation in performance running footwear since Mr. Onitsuka created the very first Marathon Tabi shoe over 60 years ago. Since then, we have dedicated ourselves to continuously improving our products. We design every shoe to be better than the last, so I am proud of the leap we have achieved with MetaRun," said Dr. Nishiwaki. "Tomorrow, MetaRun will be ASICS' new benchmark for all future products to provide even greater benefits to all of our customers. This is just the beginning of our journey," he concluded.

This limited edition shoe will give runners an exclusive opportunity to experience ASICS' cutting-edge footwear technologies. 

MetaRun will be available in the United States at select specialty retailers beginning on Nov. 28; it will retail for $250.

Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, meaning "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body," is an old Latin phrase from which ASICS is derived and the fundamental platform on which the brand still stands. The company was founded more than 60 years ago by Kihachiro Onitsuka and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of performance athletic footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit Follow @ASICSamerica on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for exclusive content and real-time news around ASICS products, events, and elite athletes.

1 Patents: FlyteFoam: JP/ AdaptTruss: JP, DE, US/ Flex Grooves:JP/ GUIDANCE LINE:JP, US, AU

2 Quantified research results measured against GEL-KAYANO 21 by ASICS Institute of Sport Science with standard error up to +/- 8.4%

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


作者: 凱孝虎  

作者: 凱孝虎  

We Can Do !

We Can Do by Moshe Kai Cavalin

We Can Do: The Incredible Story of a Young Man Who Entered College at the Age of Eight and Graduated at Age Eleven
by Moshe Kai Cavalin (Author) 10/21/2011
Moshe Kai, throughout the book WE CAN DO, tries to emphasize that he is not a genius and any youngster, with good planning, a strong heart, hard work, and a resilient mind staying afloat during the ups and downs of life, can succeed beyond any expectations. MK tells that "I was able to reach the stars but others can reach the 'Milky Way.'" MK recounts his story, including his parents' contribution, his strategy, his method of study that culminated in his stellar accomplishments at such a young age, and the promise of more to come. The book includes his code of conduct with his advice of do's and don'ts, how to finish school in an earlier time, and what he sees in the future.

Bully Down (To Help Parents to Realize How to Aid their Bullied Kids & Help Bullied Teens to Survive and to Beat the Odds) 
Paperback – 2015
by Moshe Kai Cavalin (Author)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Online Jobs For Teens